We hereby inform you that in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and its respective Regulations, as well as the Privacy Notice Guidelines issued in the Official Gazette of the Federation dated January 17, 2013, the company DESARROLLOS ROD SA DE CV, with address at Boulevard Francisco Villa number 10404, Ciudad Industrial, Victoria de Durango, Durango, Postal Code 34208, as the party responsible for the processing of your personal data that you voluntarily provide, hereby gives you the following privacy notice in accordance with the aforementioned regulations and according to the Practical Guide for Generating the Privacy Notice:

It is the document that: “Has as its main purpose to make known to the owner of the personal data, first, that their personal information will be collected and used for certain purposes, and second, the characteristics of the treatment to which their personal data will be subjected. The foregoing with the legitimate purpose of the owner making decisions in relation to their personal data and controlling the use of their personal information.”


You may contact us regarding everything related to the privacy notice and the processing of personal data at:

Our Central Offices, in its Privacy and personal data management department:
Located at our address located at Boulevard Francisco Villa number 10404, Ciudad Industrial, Victoria de Durango, Durango, Postal Code 34208.
By email: protecciondedatos@rod.com.mx
Telephone in the United Mexican States: (01618) 8141212.






Para Clientes:

Con la finalidad de: Poder informar, proveer bienes y servicios requeridos por el cliente, hacer del conocimiento nuevos bienes o servicios que estén relacionados, con los de su interés o actividad; dar cumplimiento a obligaciones contraídas con nuestros clientes; informar sobre cambios de nuestros productos o servicios; evaluar la calidad del servicio, y realizar estudios internos sobre hábitos de consumo, registrar todas las negociaciones comerciales, así como para él envió y distribución de información publicitaria de los bienes y servicios que ofrecemos. Estos datos podrán ser transferidos a terceros, cuando ello sea necesario para poder brindarle un bien o servicio de calidad y cumplir en su caso con las necesidades del cliente, en cuyo caso se respetara lo establecido en este aviso de privacidad y los principios y las obligaciones de la Ley de la materia. 

Para proveedores de bienes y servicios:

Con la finalidad de poder contactarlo, registrar todas las negociaciones comerciales, determinar su capacidad y calidad de los bienes y servicios que ofrece, y si pudiera ser proveedor.  

Estos datos podrán ser transferidos a terceros, para efectos de corroborar la calidad de los bienes y servicios que ofrece. Ello tomando las medidas necesarias para que estos terceros cumplan con el presente aviso de privacidad y los principios y con las obligaciones de la Ley de la materia. 

Para Solicitantes de bolsa de trabajo.- Tener sus datos y currículo para nuestro departamento de recursos humanos y reclutamiento de personal. (Aceptando que él envió de los datos personales, para bolsa de trabajo, serán manejados conforme al aviso de privacidad, estarán sujetos a la existencia de vacantes y a los procesos de selección de reclutamiento de recursos humanos).  

Para tomarlos en cuenta en caso de posibles vacantes a puestos de trabajo que concuerden con su perfil y currículo, en cuyo caso a potestad del departamento de recursos humanos se le avisara para que inicien el proceso de pruebas y selección de personal fijado por la empresa. Aclarando que los datos que proporcione no generan vínculos laborales, sino solamente información para aspirar a procesos de selección de personal los cuales estarán sujetos a la normatividad interna de la empresa.

Estos datos podrán ser transferidos a terceros, para efectos de corroborar sus datos y currículo y a su vez a otros departamentos de recursos humanos para similares fines, tomando las medidas necesarias para que estos terceros cumplan con el presente aviso de privacidad y los principios y con las obligaciones de la Ley de la materia. 

Para nuestros visitantes en nuestras oficinas y establecimientos.-

Se les hace sabedores que para poder contar con la seguridad necesaria para brindar un ambiente seguro en nuestras instalaciones y por su propia seguridad, se usa equipo de video vigilancia, el cual podrá recabar información visual o auditiva, la cual también está protegida por el presente aviso de privacidad y únicamente se le dará el uso para los fines de seguridad y no podrá ser difundida para fines distintos, y no será transmitida a terceros, sino solamente por mandamiento de autoridad competente.

For the purposes set forth in this privacy notice, we may collect your personal data in different ways: when you provide it to us directly; when you visit our website or use our online services, and when we obtain information through other sources permitted by law.

Personal data collected directly:

We collect your personal data directly when you provide it to us through various means, such as printed job applications, to be a supplier, to request a good or service provided by our company, in which case such data may include, among others:

a).- Name and surname (natural persons) and company name (legal entities).
b).- Date of birth (natural persons) date of incorporation (legal entities).
c).- Address.
d).- Federal Taxpayer Registry.
e).- References (according to commercial or labor cases).
f).- Telephone with area code.
g).- Cell phone.
h).- Email and/or web pages.

Personal data that we collect when you visit our website www.rod.com.mx:

a).- On this website there are options for you to send us your personal data, such as those indicated above.
b).- Through cookies and web beacons:
• Your type of browser and operating system.
• The web pages you visit.
• The links you follow.
• When did you see the web page? (date and time).
• Where does the visitor come from? (website from which they come, search engine…).
• How many times has the user visited us? (number of visits).
• Where is the visitor located? (geographic location).
• Who is the visitor? (IP address).
Personal data that we collect through other sources.- We may obtain information about you from other sources permitted by law, such as telephone or work directories. The data that we obtain through these means may include, among others:

a).- Name and surname (natural persons) and company name (legal entities).
English: b).- Address.
c).- Telephone with area code.
d).- Email and/or web pages (in some cases).

Image and voice data that we collect through video surveillance cameras in our establishments:

a).- Images.
b).- Voice data.

We inform you that in order to comply with the purposes set forth in this privacy notice, sensitive personal data may be collected, such as current and future health status, level of education, union membership.

We undertake that your data will be treated under the strictest security measures to ensure its confidentiality.

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 9 and 10 of the aforementioned Law, we require your express consent for the processing of your sensitive personal data, so we ask you to indicate whether or not you accept the processing.

a).- It will be understood that you have accepted the processing of said data if you were to provide it in writing in any printed document in our establishments and so state it on the forms.

In the event that you do not wish for your personal data to be used for the purposes or any of the purposes already indicated above, you must send your request to the email address protecciondedatos@rod.com.mx, of the Privacy and Personal Data Management Department of the company DESARROLLOS ROD SA DE CV, making the request where you clearly state how you wish to limit the use or disclosure of your personal data.


You have the right to access your personal data that you have provided to us in any of the ways indicated above and the details of the processing thereof, as well as to rectify them if they are inaccurate or incomplete; cancel them when you consider that they are not required for any of the purposes indicated in this privacy notice, they are being used for purposes not consented to or the contractual or service relationship has ended, or oppose the processing of them for specific purposes.

The mechanisms that have been implemented for the exercise of said rights are through the presentation of the respective request in:

1.- The formats previously established for this purpose that you can request at our facilities at the address already indicated in this privacy notice. In which case you must attach a copy of your valid official identification to verify your identity.
2.- By means of the request that I sent to the email protecciondedatos@rod.com.mx of our Department of Privacy and Personal Data Management, of the company DESARROLLOS ROD SA DE CV, clarifying that when there is reasonable doubt about the identity of the virtual applicant, the staff of our Department of Privacy and Personal Data may be contacted by telephone to corroborate their identity and request or you may be asked to send a copy of your current official identification by this means.

Your request must contain the following information:

a).- Name, surname (in the case of natural persons) Company name in the case of (legal entities).
b).- Address.
c).- Telephone numbers.
b).- Contact email.
e).- What is the treatment you wish to carry out with your personal information: rectify data, cancel or oppose its use.

The deadlines for responding to your request are as follows:

The person in charge of our Personal Data Management Department will notify the owner of the response to his/her request through the contact means provided, within a maximum period of twenty business days, counted from the date the request was received by the aforementioned department.
The deadline may be extended once for an equal period, as long as the circumstances of the case justify it.

For more information, please contact the Privacy and Personal Data Management Department at (0168) 8 14 12 12 and/or by email at protecciondedatos@rod.com.mx, or visit our website www.rod.com.mx.


You may revoke your personal data at any time so that we may stop using it. To do so, you must submit your request in:

1.- In the formats previously established for this purpose, which you may request at our facilities at the address indicated in this privacy notice.
In this case, you must attach a copy of your valid official identification to verify your identity.

2.- Through the request sent to the email address protecciondedatos@rod.com.mx of our Privacy and Personal Data Management Department of the company DESARROLLOS ROD SA DE CV, clarifying that when there is reasonable doubt about the identity of the virtual applicant, the staff of our Privacy and Personal Data Department may be contacted by telephone to corroborate your identity and request, or you may be asked to send a copy of your valid official identification by this means.

Your request must contain the following information:

a).- Name, surname (in the case of natural persons) Company name in the case of (legal entities).
b).- Address.
c).- Telephone numbers.
d).- Contact email.
e).- Your declaration that it is your wish to cancel or oppose the handling of your personal data.

The deadlines for responding to your request are as follows:

The person in charge of our Personal Data Management Department will inform the owner of the response to his/her request through the contact means provided, within a maximum period of twenty business days, counted from the date the request was received in the aforementioned department.
The deadline may be extended once for an equal period, as long as the circumstances of the case justify it.

For more information, please contact the Privacy and Personal Data Management Department at (0168) 8 14 12 12 and/or by email at protecciondedatos@rod.com.mx, or visit our website www.rod.com.mx.

Please note that by requesting the right to refuse or oppose the handling of your personal data, the owner agrees that he or she will not be able to contract the products or services provided by DESARROLLOS ROD SA DE CV, since the use and handling of personal data for such purposes is necessary and due to tax, commercial and labor provisions.

Your personal data may be transferred and processed within and outside the country, by persons other than this company. In this case, your information may be shared with:






Para Clientes:

Estos datos podrán ser transferidos a terceros, cuando ello sea necesario para poder brindarle un bien o servicio de calidad y cumplir en su caso con las necesidades del cliente o contratos, en cuyo caso se respetara lo establecido en este aviso de privacidad y los principios y las obligaciones de la Ley de la materia. 

Para proveedores de bienes y servicios:

Estos datos podrán ser transferidos a terceros, para efectos de corroborar la calidad de los bienes y servicios que ofrece. Ello tomando las medidas necesarias para que estos terceros cumplan con el presente aviso de privacidad y los principios y con las obligaciones de la Ley de la materia. 

Para Solicitantes de bolsa de trabajo.-

Estos datos podrán ser transferidos a terceros, para efectos de corroborar sus datos y currículo y a su vez a otros departamentos de recursos humanos para similares fines, tomando las medidas necesarias para que estos terceros cumplan con el presente aviso de privacidad y los principios y con las obligaciones de la Ley de la materia. 

We undertake not to transfer your personal information to third parties without your consent, except for the exceptions provided for in article 37 of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, as well as to carry out this transfer in the terms established by said Law.

If you do not express your opposition to your personal data being transferred, it will be understood that you have given your consent to do so.

To express your opposition, please use one of the mechanisms indicated above or indicate it in the email protecciondedatos@rod.com.mx of our Personal Data Management Department.

In the event that you have provided sensitive personal data, we require your express consent, in accordance with the provisions of article 9 of the Law on the subject, so we request that you indicate by means of one of the printed forms found at our address, or by email to protecciondedatos@rod.com.mx, of our Personal Data Management Department, if you are aware of said transfer of sensitive personal data.

Failure to give consent to the processing of your sensitive personal data by any of the aforementioned means will be deemed a refusal to do so.

We reserve the right to make modifications or updates to this privacy notice at any time, to address legislative developments, internal policies or new requirements for the provision or offering of our goods or services.

These modifications will be available to the public through the following means:

a).- Printed materials (brochures, leaflets) that will be found at our address described above.
b).- On our website www.rod.com.mx c).- If applicable, through the last email address that you have provided us.

Cookies are text files that are automatically downloaded and stored on the hard drive of the user’s computer when browsing a specific Internet page, which allow the Internet server to remember some data about this user, including their preferences for viewing the pages on that server, name and password.

On the other hand, web beacons are images inserted in a web page or email, which can be used to monitor the behavior of a visitor, such as storing information about the user’s IP address, duration of interaction time on said page and the type of browser used, among others.

We inform you that we use cookies and web beacons to obtain personal information from you, such as the following:

• Your type of browser and operating system.
• The Internet pages you visit.
• The links you follow.
• When did you see the Internet page? (date and time).
• Where does the visitor come from? (website from which they came, search engine…).
• How many times has the user visited us? (number of visits).
• Where is the visitor located? (geographic location).
• Who is the visitor? (IP address).

These cookies and other technologies can be disabled. To learn how to do this, see the following tutorial:

Blocking Cookies in Internet Browsers

Internet Explorer

1. To open Internet Explorer, click the Start button , then click Internet Explorer.
2. Click the Tools button , and then click Internet Options.
3. Click the Privacy tab, and then move the slider to a position between the top and bottom extremes, so that all cookies are not blocked or allowed.
4. Click Sites.
5. In the Website address box, type the address www.rod.com.mx , and then click Block
6. Return the slider to its original position and click OK.


1. Go to the website www.rod.com.mx
2. Right-click. Press the Ctrl key while clicking. within the page and select View Page Info.
3. In the Page Info window, select the Permissions panel.
4. Under Set Cookies, uncheck the Use Default box.
5. Select Block.
6. Close the Page Info window.

Google Chrome

1. Click the Chrome menu icon .
2. Select Settings.
3. Towards the bottom of the page, click Show advanced settings….
4. Under “Privacy,” click Content settings….
5. How to enable or disable cookies:
o To enable cookies, select Allow local data to be set (recommended).
o To disable cookies, select Block sites from setting any data.


To change your security settings, tap Settings > Safari. To determine whether Safari blocks cookies, tap Block Cookies, then choose “Never,” “Advertising & third-party,” or “Always.”

If you consider that your right to protection of personal data has been violated by any conduct of our employees or our actions or responses, and you presume that the processing of your personal data has not violated the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, you may file the corresponding complaint or claim with the IFAI. For more information, visit www.ifai.org.mx.

In preparing this privacy notice, the following laws, regulations and guidelines were taken into account and you may consult them for further information on this privacy notice:

Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.

The Regulations of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.

The Practical Guide to Generating the Privacy Notice, issued by the Federal Institute for Access to Information and Data Protection. Dated June 2011.

Privacy Notice Guidelines.- Published in the Official Gazette of the Federation dated January 17, 2013.

Version: First.
June 2011.